
Welcome to Victoriastadt-Berlin

What I Do

I document the changes and development in my neighborhood with Fotos. I also search for older fotos of areas, which I havent covered yet. So feel free to contact me and contribute.


Who I Am

I am an amateur photographer, born and living in Berlin. I moved to the Victoriastadt in 2005 and follow the development of the community ever since.


GDR and today

The following collection contains a set of black and white fotos from GDR times taken with a Practica camera Modell MTL 3.

Say Hello.

Feel free to send me comments. If you want to send me a photo, please make sure it is your own photo, which you have the copyright for. I also need your consent to publish it on this website and create a smaller, low resolution version of it for preview. Of course I will set copyright, when showing the picture.

Contact: comments[at-sign]victoriastadt[thedot]net